Inner Freedom Podcast

The Pluie Story: Moms. Entrepreneurship. Pandemic. Magic.

July 06, 2021 Mike Kavanagh Season 1 Episode 7

In 2018, Addie Gundry was changing her son’s diaper on a dirty, uncomfortable changing table in a public restroom. When she came out, she told her husband, “I want to make a better one.” And then she actually did.

After joining up with Co-Founder and COO Brittany Hizer, the two moms have launched Pluie, the world’s first and only self-sanitizing diaper changing table for public restrooms. It’s an awesome story of female leaders making an impact in remarkable ways during remarkable times.

The video version of the episode is here:

You can find more about them at, on Instagram @hello_pluie, and on LinkedIn: Addie Gundry and Brittany Hizer

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